Wednesday, March 6, 2013

RAK My Birthday

Hi All,

My birthday is quickly approaching and I am excited. The latter part of last year I did a random act of kindness (RAK) just because I felt like it. We've heard people say doing kind acts for others makes you feel good and I must say it does. I realize my blessings and am thankful to God for each of them.

So this year I don't want any gifts at all. I want to do kind acts for others as a gift to myself. I'm going to do them in Jesus' name. Jesus tells us to show kindness to one another and what better than to give back.

I've invited all of my Facebook friends to help me celebrate.

I hope everyone participates. Below are a few ideas of kind acts you can perform.

Have a blessed day.

Pray for someone else’s needs
Leave change at a vending machine
Let someone go ahead of you in line
Hold the door for the person behind you
Take cards to an assisted living center/nursing home
Hide $1 bills in between toys at the dollar store.
Pay for lunch for someone
Buy coffee others
Read to a child
Leave an extra tip for your server or a small gift along with your tip
Leave coupons in the grocery store
Pick up trash when you see it.
Be a friendly driver
Help someone for free
Donate books to the library
Give carepacks to the homeless
Spend extra time with your child(ren)
Donate to a charity (time/money/goods)
Pay for someone’s toll
Pay for someone’s bus fare/give a bus card
Send a present to a soldier
Befriend someone
Hold your tongue
Be thoughtful
Hold the door for someone
Compliment someone
Say thank you… a lot
Send a letter to a friend
Give freely
Tell someone you love them
Try to find goodness in the person you don’t like
Ask someone if they’ve lost some weight or tell them that they’re “just glowing”
Do you know that your partner hates doing the dishes but you don’t really mind doing them? Do them.
Don’t nag
Bring donuts or other delicious sweets to work
Tip generously 
Say “Hi” to strangers
Avoid gossip
Leave extra time in the parking meter
Be understanding of traveling parents with the grumpy or noisy kids
Forgive the person you used to hate back in the day
Listen to someone’s life story


  1. I sent someone who was looking for a goat image 4 goat embellishments that I made. She sponsors a child in Rwanda and couldn't find a goat embellishment anywhere. I told I'd make one and send it to her and asked what size she needed, she said either 2" or 3" and I agreed to make both sizes, which she then said she's give one to her friend. Well, I actually made embellishments instead of simple cuts and she was over the moon with the 4 I sent. I love paying it forward. Happy Birthday!

    1. Hi Cricutgirlg,
      thank you for participating and my apology for the extremely long delay in responding. I have been seriously neglecting my blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great idea to celebrate your birthday…so far I’ve done:
    *) Hold the door for the person behind you…doing it daily at work.
    *) Be a friendly driver…hard for me to let people get in in-front of me…but I am doing it.
    *) Spend extra time with your child(ren)…I spent time yesterday with our nephew.
    *) Say thank you… a lot…
    *) Ask someone if they’ve lost some weight or tell them that they’re “just glowing”…I asked one of my co-workers about it today…she has lost 10 pounds! She is looking great!
    *) Bring donuts or other delicious sweets to work…Did it for my boss on Friday, they were delicious…lol he actually asked us to stay and ate the donuts with him while having a nice out of the record conversation.

    1. Hi SplelndorMD,

      Thank you for participating. Bringing donuts...mmmmmmm. Now being a friendly driver, that's something I am continually working on.

  4. Happy Birthday Anita, wishing you a blessed and wonderful day.

    Just wanted to let you know I RAKed for your birthday:

    - Prayed for someone else’s needs
    - Let someone go ahead of you in line
    - Held my tongue
    - Complimented someone
    - Told several people I loved them
    - Send a letter to a friend
    - Said “Hi” to strangers

  5. Anita
    Happy Birthday to you..., here are the RAK's I performed
    In your honor :
    Paid bus fare
    Dropped coins in someone's parking meter
    Said I love you
    Bought Coffee for co-workers

    1. OMG, thank you confiseries, I like how you said in my honor. Thanks for participating. (I love you's are always heart warming.)

  6. Anita,
    Happy Birthday, in honor of your b-day I performed the following RAKS
    -Helped someone with a computer problem
    -Said hi to several strangers
    -Said a special prayer for some of my scrappin' sistahs
    -Volunteered for an extra assignment at work
    -Said I love you to someone

    1. Hi Treva, thank your for participating and to ALL OF YOU, my apology for not responding sooner. I truly appreciate the acts of kindness to others. I believe if we all practiced this more, there'd be more happiness in the world. I wanted these done not only for me, but for the Kingdom of God. So count this as a Good Work. Be blesses!

  7. What a great idea! And a wonderful Birthday. You said you are local? I couldn't see on your profile where you live, bu so glad to meet you!!

